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Appeal For Funds


Under normal circumstances the Union doesn’t require vast sums of money to survive and achieves this quite well from the modest annual subs charged to the membership, but a recent drain on funds and an upcoming event has left our much maligned (and very efficient) Honorary Treasurer tearing his hair out, what’s left of it that is, and prompted this Appeal.

Recently there was a compelling and urgent argument put forward to bring our more or less useless website out of the dark ages and upgrade it to a modern facility in keeping with the times we live in, and in the process leave something meaningful for posterity before it was too late.

The attendance at the annual dinner held in 2011 generously contributed sufficient funds to enable this project to get off the ground, and it was always our intention to go to the wider audience and seek some further assistance, so as not to have a few carrying the burden for all.

Happily, the upside of those herculean efforts is that you, every other past pupil and teacher of the College, families and friends who might want to research our past and where we went to school, and indeed those coming after us are now the beneficiary of a wonderful new ultra modern site with up to the minute technology, and one which will serve all of us well for many many years to come.

But, and there’s always a but, the downside is that even with the help in 2011 it more or less cleaned us out, so we’re looking for a bit of help from anyone out there who wants to be a part of getting the Mungret College website to where it is today.

In addition, next year we are planning a return to the College to mark the 40th anniversary of the closing of the school, and, as this might well turn out to be the last time that we do this we are anxious to do things with a little bit of style and some panache, as is our wont!

Unfortunately, this will mean having some spare cash floating around and with the spend on the website…well, now you can understand why Stewart Roche (Hon Treas) is losing his hair!

Everyone, rest assured this is a once off request and anything at all that you can contribute will be accepted without remorse but with humble and great gratitude!

In the time honoured phraseology of a well known charity…please, send what you can as every little helps, to;

Bank Details:

Allied Irish Bank
140 Lower Drumcondra Rd.,
Drumcondra. Dublin 9.

Sort Code 93 21 08
Account No 20964032

IBAN IE65 AIBK 9321 0820 9640 32

Beneficiary Details:

Account Name:
Mungret College PPU

C/O T S Roche
56 Lynwood,
Ballinteer Road,
Dundrum. Dublin, 16

Members, be assured that this is a once off appeal and that anything you can contribute will be accepted with deep gratitude.


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