Mungret College Annual Dinner & Golf Outing

The unions annual dinner and golf outing held at Craddockstown Golf Club in Naas was very well supported. The day kicked off with the golf competition which was won by Seamus Kelly with a score of 37pts. In second place was that auld stalwart John Power, who returned a score of 34pts. He was closely followed in third by Ciaran Smyth with a similar score but beaten on the back nine. The special golf prize donated by Fr. Senan Timoney for the youngest participant was won by Eugene Carley. The golf was well supported.

The A.G.M chaired by our President Billy Moloney followed. The honour of incoming President was bestowed on that wonderful supporter from Newcastle West, Timmy Geary who has invited us all down in May next year to Adare Manor. The Irish Open was held at this venue this year and is due to return again in 2008. We are hopeful of booking our event either before or after the Open. We will advise members in due course. The Secretary Paul Kerrigan reported on events last year and our Treasurer, Stewart Roche reports a very solvent position. We also had a report from our colleagues in the U.K. and they are certainly active over there. Cecil Naughton has matters very much in hand and we appreciate their continued support for the union.

We had some regrets this year from Fr. Senan Timoney who hadn’t missed a re-union for over 25 years. Also Fr. Michael Shiel, another great Jesuit supporter, couldn’t make the day because of prior commitments. We look forward to meeting up with them again in 2008. The Jesuits were well represented as always by Fr. Joe Brennan.

Dinner followed after the A.G.M with the presentation of prizes. Forty past pupils were in attendance on the day with some new faces showing up.

As is customary at these events, festivities continued into the early hours and the council would like to extend their appreciation to those who traveled long distances and in particular to Dr. Shane Roche who flew in from London for the event.

Don’t forget to view our web site where updates will be posted from time to time. We look forward to another good day in 2008 and we will advise dates well in advance.
