Mungret College Annual Golf and Dinner 2016 Report

Our annual golf and dinner outing kicked off on Friday the 2nd Sept hosted by our president Michael Lynch. We had a change of venue this year as our normal home at Adare Manor was closed for renovations. Whilst we had initial concerns with the venue change we need not have worried as the event was attended by record numbers. The day started with our golf competition at Castletroy Golf Club where 36 golfers graced the fairways. The competition was won by Garrett Barry with a score of 38pts with the 2nd place finisher John O’Donovan someway back. It was obvious to many that Garrett was playing golf in a different parish to the rest of us. Third place was filled by Johnny Lynch. The course management in Castletroy looked after us very well and we are very indebted to them.

Our annual dinner was held back in the Castletroy Park Hotel where we were joined by another 40 past pupils with in excess of 70 seating for dinner. We would also like to thank all of those who travelled very long distances to be with us with colleagues coming over from the United States, Spain and France.

The class of 1966 were celebrating their 50th anniversary and were very well supported thanks to the efforts of our incoming president Des O’Neill and our treasurer Stewart Roche. These side anniversaries will continue and excellent background work is being conducted with the class of 1967 who will be celebrating their own 50th this year. Classmates from that year Seamus Dennison and John O’Connell are orchestrating a drive to get as many back as possible.

The A.G.M. preceded the dinner and was also very well attended. A very active discussion took place on the proposed introduction of a new secondary school on the grounds of the college and the desire to keep the Mungret College name in place. A lot of work has been undertaken by our president Des O’Neill on the ground down in Limerick and an update on our efforts will be reported later in the year.

The new venue at Castletroy has turned out to be the perfect replacement for Adare and we have agreed to return there again on the 8th Sept 2017. Details will be communicated later in the year but we would ask you to make a note of this date in your diaries.
The reunion continues to be well supported and the continued success of future events is in your hands. The council will continue to work very hard on your behalf and we trust that this loyal support will continue long into the future.
