Mungret relinquishes Inter Jesuit Cup

The college unfortunately have relinquished its hold on the Inter Jesuit Cup which was played recently in the Castle G.C. Dublin.

The new holders are our arch enemies Belvedere who returned an excellent aggregate score to win from a young Gonzaga side.

With a slightly depleted side due to the absence of our colleagues from Newcastle West the college ended up down the field despite a valiant effort most notable from the Garland Brothers and Ciaran Smyth & Brian Lynch.

The other members of the team were John Power,Vinny Becker,Seamus Kelly, Billy Maloney, Victor Ryan, Bill Thomson, Karl Roche & John Maloney. Their is a resolve however amongst the team to reverse the trend next year and practise is already underway.

Watch this space for our announcement on our next golf outing in May 2005 and this will also include our annual dinner and a.g.m. The council would welcome a large turnout following on from our very successful re-union this year. More about that anon.