Patrick Cronin, KHS
(Mungret 1961-1966)

Congratulations are merited by Paddy Cronin, formerly from the townland of Mungret itself, following his investiture as a Knight of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem at a ceremony in the Church of the Immaculate Conception (SJ), Farm St., London on Sat 7th June 2008.

The Investiture was officiated by Right Reverend George Stack KCHS, Auxilliary Bishop of Westminster, in the presence of His Excellency Dr. Michael Whelan, KSG., KGCHS, Lieutenant of the Order in England and Wales and the Lieutenant General of the the Order worldwide, H.E., Count Peter Wolff – Metternich zur Gracht, Knight of the Collar. Present also were other dignitary representatives from Belgium, Ireland, Scotland and Spain, together with the Vice-Chancellor of the British Association, Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Bishop George Stack officiated on behalf of the Grand Prior of the Order in England and Wales, Most Rev. Kevin McDonald, Archbishop of the Metropolitan Diocese of Southwark, London, who was indisposed due to recent surgery. At the ceremony four other Knights and two Dames were also invested.

By coincidence, Cecil Naughton KCHS, (current President of Mungret PPU) who is a Knight for some years, received promotion to the rank of Knight Commander of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem this same day.

Following the ceremony at the Church about 200 guests attended a celebration luncheon held in The Great Hall, Lincoln’s Inn, London at which each of the new Knights and Dames were formally introduced individually to all in attendance.

Among those of family who attended in support of Paddy on the day were his brothers Tom, Felim and Gabriel–each Mungret past pupils– together with their respective spouses, Moia, Mary and Laura.